A real time update

Good morning from Pontarlier on 4th May. The blog is lagging behind because of continuing challenges with wifi and phone signal and phone and tablet. And also with the WordPress interface. But it can be done! Also although blogging is enjoyable at this end it had to take its place behind the (literally) daily necessities of finding somewhere to stay, doing my washing, finding a shop and finding somewhere to eat.

A few practicalities. Quite a few people have told me they cannot leave z comments because they are identified as a bot. I don’t know why and I cannot resolve it. Even when I am signed in to WordPress and try to leave a comment on another WordPress site it happens  to me.

if you want to comment you can also find me on Facebook or you can email me at tim@walkingtim.com You should find me easily on Facebook. I am not the wedding singer from Lancaster, nor do I direct a chamber orchestra in Cambridge. You can use Facebook messenger too.

If you need to follow my footsteps they are on Strava and Wikiloc but that’s probably for the enthusiasts.

Some people get upside down photos. I’m sorry I don’t know why. I do this 90% on my iPhone. They look OK here!

Three things I will not discuss  – bedbugs, blisters and snoring. There are plenty of other forums for these issues which do not interest me!

Tonight will be my last night in France. I’m actually staying one night longer than initially planned. I’ll be sorry to leave but I will be in Switzerland from Saturday.

I love hearing from people so specisl thanks to all who have made contact.

Day 20 – Corbeil to Brienne Le Chateau

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. Napoleon


Distance 26.7km Total Distance from Canterbury 507.3km

A dual milestone passed today.

I woke early and refreshed in my school room. Unshowered, though I did take the advice of the mayor and rest my feet in ice cold water. The coffee was welcome. Just as the filter machine gurgled its last there was a loud clicking sound outside the door in the lobby and a trip switch tripped and all power went out of the sockets. The electrical fuse board looked brand new. They can be supersensitive. I didn’t need any more  (electrical) power so I just enjoyed my coffee. Continue reading “Day 20 – Corbeil to Brienne Le Chateau”